Thursday, September 10, 2020

Classroom Management Tip from me to you!

Hi everyone!

Here is a quick tip for avoiding confusion with kids and being able to clarify when needed. 

Have kids parrot the instructions. 

I always love watching Whole Brain teaching videos on YouTube. When I taught second grade I incorporated some of the cutesy call outs. I always found a way to incorporate a version of Mirror (kids repeat after you) and Gestures (kids teach each other something using gestures). Repetition and gestures cement knowledge. Plus, teaching a friend the directions, new vocabulary word, or new concept helped the kids understand it deeper. 

No, I didn’t continue with Whole Brain teaching, but my students usually understood instructions because they repeated them back to me and oftentimes explained them in their own words, paired with gestures, to a peer nearby. 

If interested in learning more about Whole Brain teaching, that is a YouTube rabbit hole I encourage you to dive into! It feels more primary, but there’s always something you can integrate into your classroom without feeling the need to start the entire program!

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