Saturday, February 5, 2022

Throwback to My Favorite Picture

I had a beautiful little baby girl a few years back. When I was pregnant with my second, I thought I wanted another girl. It would be easier - I knew girls (I just had one and I have 3 sisters), plus I had all the clothes and girl gear!

But I knew that it was a boy from the beginning - everything about that second pregnancy was different from the morning sickness to the fatigue. Sure, I tried to say that it was just being pregnant with a toddler at home, but I just knew it was a boy before he was even born. (We waited to find out until the birth - the only real surprises I've ever experienced in my life, and very difficult for Type A teacher moms like myself, but I would do it again.)

Anyway, they say that there is something special about boys and their moms, and I do see it. I mean, let's be real, there is also something special about boys and their dads- running around crazy, throwing the kids in the air, racing around the house until they run into a wall, laughing their faces know.

But this picture will always remind me of how sweet that little boy is with his mama.

Sometimes it is nice to take a moment in our busy lives and appreciate all that we have. 

It's been a crazy year in education, and I anticipate the crazy continuing for a long time. Teachers have gone from worshipped when parents were teaching their own kids at home to dumped on again as we go through the great teacher shortage (Yes, we are taking on WAY more responsibilities and roles in schools because there is literally no one willing to enter the field of education right now. And do we blame them?)

So, when you're feeling a little overwhelmed and worn out this year, just take a minute to appreciate those little moments that make everything else worth it. Because there are plenty of those moments; we just need to notice them.

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