Saturday, February 27, 2016

Spark Student Motivation Saturdays

I'm here to link up with Joanne from Head Over Heels for Teaching for Spark Student Motivation Saturdays!

Just a snapshot of the writing in my second grade class!

I have been using Reader Response Journals since I was a fourth grade teacher, and I still love them. Basically, I write a letter to each of my students each week, and they write back to me. You can see from above that some kiddos get more scaffolding than others, depending on their needs. The first paragraph is personal and fun, and the second paragraph is focused on our most recent guided reading text.

I really love pulling these journals out during parent-teacher conferences for families to observe how far their children have come! I encourage students to do the same, reminding them that each letter should be an improvement, and our focus is on growth.

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