Tuesday, February 11, 2014

2 Hour Delays

Yesterday, a lot of people were talking about a winter advisory for today. Snow day talk. Getting my hopes up. And then, this morning, as I was getting dressed for school, I received a 5am phone call.

Hopes. Way. High.

As I listened to the recorded message from my superintendent, I heard the WORST phone call.


I'm not sure about anyone else, but I personally detest 2 hour delays. It means the morning commute will be AWFUL, lots of kiddos will be absent, my day is all out of whack, just terrible. And with these math modules, I am totally NOT getting off pace in math, so we're doing a math lesson during our writing time. Yep. No stopping me.

I also tend to try and squeeze a whole day of work into 2 hour delay days, half days, early dismissal days, etc. Time is precious! And there is never enough of it! And we always think we can do more with the time we have! And that usually doesn't really tend to totally work out.

Anyway. I have a 2 hour delay.

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