Saturday, May 1, 2021

IKEA Spice Racks Hack - Make your own BOOKSHELVES!

Can you ever have enough bookshelves? Nope. The answer is NOPE.

We have bookcases, shelves, boxes, baskets, and bins or books in every room of the house. Also stacks of books, but that's not as cool.

Anyway, I bought these $4.99 IKEA spice racks when Violet was a baby. YEARS ago. She's almost 3 now. I painted them, and then we just never got around to hanging them. Over the weekend, I asked my husband to hang them and it took about an hour. He had some screw issues. Just basically searching for the right size. Anyway, once it was finished, VOILA! We had a beautiful display shelf!

I really just wanted a place Violet could see the covers of her books in her bedroom. A place we could change up the books for themes or holidays. She has regular bookshelves in her room, along with, NO JOKE, a WALL of books in her bed. She probably has 50 books piled up behind her pillows in her bed. Nice and neat stacks. Always ready to wake up, reach behind her, and start reading. How can I argue with that? And she's still short enough that she has plenty of room in bed! :)

So, now we are those people who did an IKEA hack and it worked!
And it looks beautiful!
For real, I looked for these type of shelves online and they were a little pricy. I was NOT willing to pay.

My only concern hanging them like this was creating a literal ladder on the wall that Violet might climb. It turns out that she never thought that once. She was so into changing up which books would be displayed first.

But my 9 month old, Braxton? Oh, he's the one I might have to watch.

Happy hacking!

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