Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Happy First Day of School!

I love a good photo op!

As a classroom teacher, I was always creating photo opportunities for my kids, documenting our learning journey together. At the end of the school year, I would compile them into a video slideshow with music, and yes, tears. I took so many pictures that the slideshow was usually close to an hour long, or even longer, and would you believe that those kids sat them, mesmerized by their growth, how much fun we had, and just how far they had come? Oh yes. 

So, as the year begins, think about how you can make this year memorable and special for you students. I think that is just as important as the academics - no big SEL events, but weave SEL throughout your year by being supportive, listening, and providing opportunities for kids outside of academics. It's so important, and that time spent building a strong foundation through relationships will come back to positively impact academics and behaviors. After all, kids work hard and listen to adults who respect them and care for them. I mean, they just know.

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