Saturday, March 19, 2022

SUM BLOX - Make math hands on again!

Have you heard of Sum Blox?

We got them for Christmas last year and they make me want to go right back into the classroom. (I am currently an instructional coach and reading interventionist in my building.)

Currently, I use them with my three-year old. They are BEAUTIFUL wooden blocks that are shaped like numbers. The bigger the number, the bigger the block, which makes the concept of 5 being greater than 2 a lot easier for small kiddos to understand. That's a basic way to use Sum Blox, and that's where we are right now with the three-year old, but there are plenty of other ways to increase the rigor!

- Adding or subtracting becomes visual! the 2 block and the 3 block will match up with the 5 block! Create some number bonds to connect it to math in school.

- Multiplication and division are suddenly interactive! Stack up four 2 blocks and match it up with an 8 block! Deconstruct numbers!

The Sum Blox also come with challenge cards! These are STEM cards that any age can work on, such as stacking the numbers from 1-10, and then reversing the order!

Anyway, if you are looking for HIGH QUALITY blocks that will last forever and engage your kiddos in math, check out Sum Blox!


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